You need to be able to compare two fractions at a time, to see which one is greater. One way to do this is to convert two fractions at a time to a common denominator. It need not be the least common denominator - any common denominator will do, therefore you can just multiply the two denominators. Another way to compare fractions is to convert them to decimal. This can quickly be done with a calculator.
Convert them to common denominators and put the numerators in ascending order.
Yes, fractions can be ordered from lowest to highest. It's called "ascending order."
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
Find the lowest common denominator, convert them, and arrange them in ascending order.
Not until you've put them all over a common denominator. From there on, it's a piece o' cake.
"Ascending order" means each one is bigger or higher than the one before it. It doesn't matter whether they're fractions, whole numbers, mixed numbers, temperatures, costs, weights, volumes, decimals, etc.
either turn all ur numbers to fractions or decimals, then put it in order
ascending order
That number sequence is already in ascending order as integers. 1/3, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 as fractions 8/24, 9/24, 12/24, 18/24
put it in order from decimals as in first make the fraction in decimals and put them in order you desire :)
Put fractions in decimal form. That way it is much easier to compare and order them.
Least to greatest.1/2, 11/16, 3/4, 7/8