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The main ones you need to know on a basic level are categoric and continuous. Categoric ones you will display on a bar chart as they are fixed units. Eg plastic or a range of no.s lumped in together

Continuous variables are shown on a line graph as they do not have a differentiating X value (category) into which you can separate them

Hope this helps a bit
The three different kids of science variables are independent, dependent, and controlled.
a variable is something you change and there's a independent variable and a dependent variable
in an experiment there are three variables: responding, controlled, and manipulated. manipulated is the variable that is changed by the guy who does the experiment. responding is the variable that changes due to the manipulated variable. the controlled variable is the variable that is controlled throughout the experiment. anyway im not sure if this is what you wanted to know

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Kellen Bednar

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2y ago
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12y ago

The main ones you need to know on a basic level are categoric and continuous. Categoric ones you will display on a bar chart as they are fixed units. Eg plastic or a range of no.s lumped in together

Continuous variables are shown on a line graph as they do not have a differentiating X value (category) into which you can separate them

Hope this helps a bit
The three different kids of science variables are independent, dependent, and controlled.
a variable is something you change and there's a independent variable and a dependent variable
in an experiment there are three variables: responding, controlled, and manipulated. manipulated is the variable that is changed by the guy who does the experiment. responding is the variable that changes due to the manipulated variable. the controlled variable is the variable that is controlled throughout the experiment. anyway im not sure if this is what you wanted to know

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there are three kinds of variables.a variable must be a situation,condition or a factor1.change or manipulated variables.-are the variables that are being tested or changed.2.constant variables.-are the variables that you are not intended to test or study,or the variables to be kept constant.3.responding variables.-are the results of the maipulated variables.

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