The Average Speed means the total distance the object travels and the overall time it takes.
She obtained the average speed of the three measurements.
The experiment suggests that the average speed of hydrogen molecules is higher than the average speed of molecules in the air. This is because hydrogen molecules are lighter and have a higher root mean square speed due to their lower mass.
Their average speed is the harmonic mean of 30 and 45 while their average velocity is zero.
I do hope you mean racing horse. An average speed for a Thoroughoutbred race horse is 40 miles per hour.
It is the orbital velocity (speed and direction) or orbital speed (rate of motion). It is usually stated as "average orbital speed" but is actually "mean orbital speed."
rms means root mean square, or in a roundabout way the average. Therefore the average velocity or average speed (of a car?)
Average speed is an average value of speed over a given time. If your speed is constant (not changing), then your average speed will equal your speed at any given moment in time.
RMS velocity refers to the root mean square velocity of particles in a gas, which is the square root of the average of the squares of the velocities. It is a measure of the average speed of gas particles in a system.
Instantaneous speed is the speed of a body at any one instant. There is really no such thing as the instantaneous speed, it is merely the average speed over a very short space of time.
The average speed of the train for the entire trip would be the harmonic mean of 60 mph and 40 mph. Using the formula for harmonic mean: 2 * 60 * 40 / (60 + 40) = 48 mph. So, the average speed of the train is 48 mph.
Probably: Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time. or Instantaneous Speed = Gradient of the tangent to the Distance v Time graph.