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His Mass isn't changing so his weight stays the same

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Q: What is the ratio of a 450lb man weight in the water as opposed to his weight in the air?
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The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4c is its?

Specific gravity.

Mass to volume ratio of water?

The mass to volume ratio of water is the density, which is about 1 g/cm^3 at room temperature and pressure. This means that one cubic centimeter of water weighs approximately 1 gram.

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Dry Bulk Specific Gravity does not take into account for anything getting into the permeable or impermeable voids of say a stone by water for instance. Saturated Surface Dry Bulk Specific Gravity takes into account for anything getting into the permeable voids only of say a stone by water. Apparent Specific gravity takes into account for the volume of the impermeable voids and not anything getting into the permeable voids of say a stone by water.

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How do you mix 32oz of solution 1 1 ratio with water?

A 1:1 ratio can be defined in terms of volume or in terms of mass (weight). In either case, if the solution does not already contain water, a 1:1 ratio will require the same quantities of the solution and of water. The question suggests that the ratio is by mass, so add 32 ounces (mass) of water.

The ratio of the weight of a given volume of a substance in a vacuum at a given temperature to the weight of an equal volume of water in a vacuum at a given temperature is known as?

This ratio is called the specific gravity.

How many ml in 150gram?

I hope this is helpful. 1 gram water = 1ml water = 1cc water. BUT this is not so for other things (i.e. oil, flour, rice) as the weight to volume ratio is different I hope this is helpful. 1 gram water = 1ml water = 1cc water. BUT this is not so for other things (i.e. oil, flour, rice) as the weight to volume ratio is different

What is the difference between specific gravity and density?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance (usually water). Density, on the other hand, is the mass of a substance per unit volume. While specific gravity is a dimensionless quantity, density is typically expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter or kilograms per liter.

Does specific gravity has units?

No, specific gravity is a unitless value that represents the density of a substance compared to the density of water. It is a ratio of the density of the substance to the density of water at a specific temperature.

If your body is 70 percent water what percent is bone?

Live bone is about 22% water. Your bones account for about 35% of your body weight depending on your fat-to-lean ratio.

Use the archemedes principle to compare the densities of the cokewith water?

When objects are submerged in a fluid, they experience an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. If a substance sinks in water, it has a higher density than water; if it floats, it has a lower density. In the case of Coca-Cola (which has a density greater than water), it sinks when placed in water due to its higher density compared to water.

What is ratio of antifreeze to water in a tractor tire?

There shouldn't be any water or antifreeze in a tire! They are filled with air, not liquid. Antifreeze/water mixture is commonly used in tractor tires for extra weight to increase traction