Different numbers represent different amounts. These amounts can be years, days, objects, sizes, and anything else that can be measured.
There are three that I'm aware of: 1) mean - rude/unpleasant/unkind, saying words or committing actions that will intentionally hurt (physically, mentally, emotionally, or otherwise) the well-being of another, without reason or need. 2) mean - the definition or explanation of a concept (i.e., "what does that mean?"), or the intention ("what do you mean", "what do you mean to say", "did you mean to do that") 3) mean - an average, such as the "arithmetic mean". You add up the collection of numbers you have to get a total, then divide by the amount of individual numbers you had (for instance, if you have 4 numbers - for example 2, 3, 5, and 6, you add those 4 numbers to get 16, then divide the total by 4 since you had 4 numbers; the average, or "mean" is 4). What do you mean what does mean mean? Are you like, teasing us? Are you being mean? There is much to ponder and always when we ask, it's always the same, we ask in all earnestness, what does it mean? Do you know what I mean? I wonder if the average Joe knows what I mean, not that average Joe's don't ponder and ask what does it mean, I'm just saying that if you take all the average Joe's and look at them as a whole, how many of them do you really think will know what I mean? I mean, let's be honest here, I don't even know what I mean, do you know what I mean? What does mean mean? Ha! What does does do? What is what? Is is an is? What does mean mean, indeed!
it depends on what paragraphs you mean and the certain clauses mean different things to and the declaration is a complicated peice of work
the anserw is two. because absolute value mean the amount away from 0 and two is two numbers away from zero.
Not necessarily. Each state has different rules.
Racism is the act of discrimination against people of different ethnicity, race, religion, etc. but most commonly used for race.
If you mean multiplying numerator and denominator by different numbers, the result is then a different ratio. If you mean variously multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number on different occasions, the result is unchanged.
What numbers do you mean? If you mean the numbers in a ship's name, they are similar to an ISBN number or an I.D number - each ship has different ones. If that's not what you were talking about, sorry.
Add the five numbers together and then divide that number by 5
Assuming you mean four different numbers, 0.123
You tell whats the same and different.
The different numbers of HP deskjet ink is referring to the different model numbers of the HP deskjet printers. It is important to have the numbers on the ink be the same as the printer or ink cartridges will not fit in the HP deskjet printer.
use the middle number
you add both of the two numbers together then divide the added number by the quantities of the items, in this case Two numbers and get the result. * * * * * The above is the arithmetic mean, which is quite different from the geometric mean. To get the geometric mean of n positive numbers, you multiply (not add) them together and take the nth root of the answer.
No, in a normal distribution they are the same.
The numbers 89282913923718973918938472414 could be many different things such as an account number.
Unfortunately, the term "whole numbers" is somewhat ambiguous - it means different things to different people. If you mean "integers", yes, it is closed. If you mean "positive integers" or "non-negative integers", no, it isn't.
If you mean: 2013, 2014 and 2015 then each of them have 3 different prime numbers as factors