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Two terms are "like terms" when they are the same. For example, in the equation:

14x2 + 9x - 3 = 149x

9x and 149x are like terms because they both have "x" in them. Note that x2 is not a like term to x.

You can add and subtract like terms, but not unlike terms. So the above equation could be reduced to:

14x2 - 3 = 140x

by subtracting 9x from both sides.

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What is the maximum number of terms for a president?

There is no overall maximum number of terms that someone can be President of the USA, but there is a limit of two consecutive terms. It is possible that someone could serve two terms, sit out a term, then serve two more terms.

How many terms did George Washington serve as president?

Oh, dude, George Washington served as president for like two terms. Yeah, he was the OG president, rocking the White House for two rounds. Can you imagine being president for that long? Like, props to him, but also, can you imagine the stress?

What precedent did George Washington set for future presidents?

George Washington was asked to run for a third term in office and declined because he felt we would wind up with a government like England with a King at the head of government. He therefore set a precedent of only two terms in office. This was followed until FDR and he was elected for four terms. Thereafter there was introduced an amendment to the constitution limiting presidential terms to two.

How many terms can the us president serve?

The US President can serve a maximum two full terms. One term is four years. A president who finishes another president's term which has less than two years to go, can still serve two more full terms. Therefore, in theory, it is possible to serve for 10 years in this special case.

Can Bush serve more than two terms?

No, President Bush cannot serve any more terms since he has already done two. No president can do any more than two terms under our current U.S. law.

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