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Q: Which table is one way to organize data into categories and groups?
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What kind of table is one way to organize data into categories or groups?

A Frequency Table

What does table mean in a scientific way?

A table refers to a graphical array that is arranged by categories and properties in order to organize data.

What is a grouped frequency table?

A grouped frequency table is a statistic method to organize and simplify a large set of data in to smaller groups.

What is ways to organize and record results and obersvatoins?

You can create a table or spreadsheet to document your results and observations systematically. Use clear headings and categories to organize data for easy reference. Consider using graphs or charts to visualize trends or patterns in your data.

What is a way to organize data in columns?

Data organized into columns and rows is called a table.

A is a column in a table and contains categories of information?

A is likely a categorical variable in the table, representing different categories of information. It may contain discrete values that classify the data into distinct groups or labels for easy identification and analysis.

Are graph's the only way to organize data?

No, they are not. You can also organize data in a table or chart as well as a graph.

A good way to organize and record your results and observations is?

A way to organize and record results and observations is using data table

What kind of table is used to organize data?

stem and leaf table

What does a data table help you do in a controlled experiment?

It helps you organize your data

What is the simplest way to organize data?

put them in a table

What is used to organize and store data in excel?
