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This pyramid would have a perpendicular height of 3, a volume of 64 units3 and a slant edge of 6.403

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Q: A pyramid has a square base with sides 8 and a slant height of 5?
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Why must a slant height of the pyramid be greater than the height of the pyramid?

Because the Hypotinuse is the sum of the square of the other two sides. The sum of the square of the base plus the square of the height equals the slope.

What is the slant height of a square pyramid if the height is 24Cm and the base edges are 14Cm?

The slant height will be 25 cm

The square base of pyramid has a side length of 230 m and the sides of the Pyramid meet the base at an angle which measuresapproximately 60 What is the sum of the height and slant height?

429 m

What is the slant height of a pyramid that has all sides as equilateral triangles with sides of length of 9 cm and the surface area of the pyramid is 140.4 square cm?

The surface area of the pyramid is superfluous to calculating the slant height as the slant height is the height of the triangular side of the pyramid which can be worked out using Pythagoras on the side lengths of the equilateral triangle: side² = height² + (½side)² → height² = side² - ¼side² → height² = (1 - ¼)side² → height² = ¾side² → height = (√3)/2 side → slant height = (√3)/2 × 9cm = 4.5 × √3 cm ≈ 7.8 cm. ---------------------------- However, the surface area can be used as a check: 140.4 cm² ÷ (½ × 9 cm × 7.8 cm) = 140.4 cm² ÷ 35.1 cm² = 4 So the pyramid comprises 4 equilateral triangles - one for the base and 3 for the sides; it is a tetrahedron.

The volume of a regular pyramid with a square base of 8cm and a slant height of 5 cm?

The volume of a regular pyramid with a square base of 8cm and a slant height of 5 cm is: 64 cm3

What is the lateral area of a pyramid whose base is a square with sides measuring 16 meters and a slant height of 17 meters?

544 m2

What is the slant height of a square pyramid?

The slant height of a square pyramid is always perpendicular to the base. It is form the top vertex all the way down to the most center of one side of the base edge.

What is the surface area of the right square pyramid in square meters?

It depends on the dimensions of the base and the height (slant or vertical) of the pyramid.

How do you find the slant height of a square based pyramid?

I don't know not mine

What is the slant height of the pyramid Louvre in Paris?

slant height of the pyramid Louvre in Paris=28 meters

What is a total area of a pyramid that has a square base with sides 8 and a slant height of 5?

A pyramid with these measurements are technically impossible to construct. However if you follow the formula the surface area would be a negative amount.

Which is the volume of a square pyramid with height 15 m and slant height 17 m?

Volume of the pyramid: 1/3*base area*height in cubic m