hex is like six and a hexagon has six sides thus the name hexagon
The Latin word for a hexagon is "hexagnum." The Latin word is derived from the Greek word "hexagnos," and they all mean "something with six angles."
A Hexagon is a shape with 6 sidesalso. ..Triangle - 3 sidesRectangle, square etc. - 4 sidesPentagon - 5 sidesHexagon - 6 sidesHeptagon - 7 sidesOctagon - 8 sidesHope this was helpful
2 and 1 half
Hexagone is the French word for a hexagon, a 2-dimensional, 6-sided shape
Exterior degrees: 360 Interior degrees: 720
120 degress
120 degress
Each angle in a pentagon is 120 degress
a TRIANGLE HAS 180 DEGRESS! a new born knows that! LOL
how many squares fit in a hexagon
There can be infinitely many triangles in a hexagon.
An hexagon is a polygon that has 6 sides.