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Q: Does the square feet of a house include the walls?
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How many feet are in a house?

House dimensions are measured in Square Feet. How many square feet are in a house depends on the size and the layout of the house. For example, many houses do not have equal footage of all outside walls. Also, square footage of each room is smaller that the footage of outside walls, to subtract for walls, fireplaces, etc. Also, any outdoor additions (porches, patios) are not counted in sq. footage of the house.

What is the square feet in a house 30 feet by 40 feet?

The area of 30 feet times 40 feet are 1200 square feet. But, when a house is advertised as containing 'xx square feet of living area', that can include second and third floors or a finished basement or attic, so a 30 X 40 house could be a 6000 square foot home.

How much to screen in a 200 square foot deck?

Assuming that you mean to screen the walls, and that the walls are 6 feet tall, and the deck is 20 by 10, and one of the sides is connected to your house, then 6x(20+10+10) = 240 square feet of screen.

How many square feet is in a room 8 feet wide 40 feet long and10 feet high?

Floor . . . 320 square feetCeiling . . . 320 square feetTwo walls . . . 80 square feet eachOther two walls . . . 400 square feet eachTotal: 1,600 square feet, minus the area of the doors and windows.

Do you include bathrooms when try to figure out the square feet of a house?

Yes ... even the garage is measured.

If the office is a 12 foot square the walls are 8 feet tall how many square feet of wallpaper would you need to cover two walls?

Each wall is (8 x 12) = 96 square feet.Two walls = (2 x 96) = 192 square feet of wallpaper.

How many square feet is a room that measures 17 feet long and 11 feet wide?

The floor and the ceiling are each (17 x 11) = 187 square feet Two walls are (17 x height) square feet. The other two walls are (11 x height) square feet) Total square feet of the inside of the room = 2 [ 187 + (28 x height) ] square feet.

What is the square footage of your house?

The square footage of my house is 2,000 square feet.

What is the formula for square feet including ceiling?

' L ' = length of the room ' W ' = width of the room ' H ' = height of the ceiling Floor = ( L W ) square feet Ceiling = ( L W ) square feet 2 walls = ( L H ) square feet, each other 2 walls = ( W H ) square feet, each

How many square feet are there in a room that measures 10X12?

120 square feet on the floor, and another 120 square feet on the ceiling. We can also calculate the square feet on the walls if we know the height of the ceiling.

What is the square foot of a house 30x40 feet?

1,200 square feet.

How many square feet is the Winchester house?

261,369 Square Feet