A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
The pI of Isoleucine is 5.98
Well, isn't that a happy little question! The absolute value of pi is the positive distance of pi from zero on the number line. Since pi is already a positive number, its absolute value is just pi itself. Just like a beautiful mountain in a serene landscape, pi stands tall and proud in its positive value.
the number pi literally never ends. here are the first 100 digits: 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
Pi is caused by the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
pi never ends it is indefinite.
pi is endless! Edit: The value of Pi has so far been calculated to more than two million places.
Circumference = (pi) x (diameter) = 27 pi = 84.823(rounded)
if you take a perfect circle and divide the circumference by the diameter you get pi (3.14159.....goes on forever as far as we know) no matter how big or small your circle is, if it's a true circle this ration C=pi*D will always be true The decimal representation of pi DOES go on for ever - not just "as far as we know". If it terminated, then pi would be a rational number, and it is not.
3.14159 this is how far i know it.
go to pi island.com then you go to the scetion wher it says book a tour and go to pi pi island!!LOL -florii-
It may. But as far as pi has been carried out so far, no repetitions have been found yet.
As far as I know, the constant pi is never used in the plural form.
Everyone's birthday is in Pi! You can go to http://www.angio.net/pi/piquery to find out where in Pi it is. Happy Pi Day!!
Pi is unitless as far as I am aware. however pi = 3.1415926 as far as I remember, but 3.14 in most cases is all that's necessary. Only when you multiply by centimetres squared (r2) for example does the answer get units of cm2.
Circumference C=Pi*d = Pi*27 ~= 84.823 inches You will travel about 84.823 inches per revolution.
So far no one has found the end of pi. Many people round it to 3.14. Because pi does not have an end (that we know of) any answer using pi is only approximate.