A pi equals 3.1415326535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
Pi is infinite and has no end.
Pi is caused by the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
no every periodic number is rational but pi is irrational
Technically pi is two letters put together to form a word. How ever, the word "pi" does represent the number 3.14159265... (or simply 3.14).
Amino acid pKa1 pKa2 Alanine 2.34 9.69 Valine 2.32 9.62 Leucine 2.36 9.60 Isoleucine 2.36 9.60
In nature isoleucine is found as (2S,3S)-2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid.
The codon AUC codes for the amino acid isoleucine.
The DNA letters TAA would code for the amino acid glutamine.
L-Isoleucine was discovered in 1904 by Ehrlich and its constitution established 3 years later degradation to d-isoamylamine and by synthesis through the Strecker reaction with d-isovaleraldehyde
Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl isoleucine the largest known protein.
Threonine and isoleucine exist as diastereomers of each other. They differ in the configuration at one chiral center, resulting in non-superimposable mirror image structures.
Tyrosine will be formed instead of isoleucine.
Tyrosine will be formed instead of isoleucine.
Tyrosine will be formed instead of isoleucine