In charleston, sc it averages anywhere from $1 to $5 per sq foot. Interior painting on the low end of the spectrum and exterior on the high end. Contractors also base their bid on whether or not ceilings, walls, and trim are going to be part of the deal and also if it is new construction where primer, caulk, and puddy are required.
This is a common mistake that homeowners make so don't feel alone. When asking for an estimate on the amount of paint you will need, come up with the square footage of the walls you wish to paint. Don't take your blueprints to the paint store and ask for someone to figure it out for you, they don't have time to do this. Spend a little time just figuring out what the print says. All the information you will need is right there. If the walls exist then just get out a tape measure and measure the length and width of each surface you wish to cover, rounding up to the nearest foot. Multiply these two numbers to get the square footage of that wall. Now add all the walls up and this is your total square footage. Once you know how many square feet you need to cover, a good starting point is to divide this number by 300. The answer is a rough guess at what you will need for one coat of paint. Different paints have different rates of coverage so check with your local paint store for specifics.
4.25 sq ft The price is $ 2.18 per square foot. That is Range is $ 1.61 to $ 2.74).
Actually, that is a tricky question but the answer is YES
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In northern Upstate regions, Yaros Painting charges $2.85 per square foot of floor space in rooms with 8ft ceilings, provided that the walls and trimming do not require extensive preparatory work. This covers all of the preparation, priming, and painting of walls, trim, and ceilings.
4.25 sq ft The price is $ 2.18 per square foot. That is Range is $ 1.61 to $ 2.74).
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For what? Tiles, cloth, painting or wallpaper...
The typical cost range for commercial painters is approximately $2-$6 per square foot and $60-$100 per hour. However, the total cost of painting a commercial building will depend on a variety of factors such as the size of the building, labor expenses, material costs, and other relevant considerations.
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Actually, that is a tricky question but the answer is YES
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per square foot its about 75 cents - 50 pence
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$ 25.29
If you want the price per square foot, divided 4000 by 1500. The price is 2.66 per square foot.