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(63360 x 5in) / 10in on map = 31,680 ==> the fraction scale is 1:31,680

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Q: If a measured distance of 10 inches on a map represents an actual distance of 5 miles what is the fractional scale of the map?
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What shows distance on the ground compared to distance on a map?

The scale that the map has been drawn at represents actual distance. For instance: a map with a 1: 50 000 (one to fifty thousand) scale means that one centimetre measured on the map represents fifty thousand centimetres on the ground.

Does a scale represents measurements in actual distance?


What related distance on a map to a distance on earths surface?

The scale that the map has been drawn at represents actual distance. For instance: a map with a 1: 50 000 (one to fifty thousand) scale means that one centimetre measured on the map represents fifty thousand centimetres on the ground.

What is a scale of a map?

Is the relationship between the distance measured on the map to the actual distance on the ground

What does the numerical scale of a map indicate?

The numerical scale on a map shows how many units of measurement taken from the scale represents the actual distance on the ground. If a and b are 2 miles apart on the ground, the a and b shown on the map should also represent 2 miles apart when measured on the numerical scale.

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The wheelbase of the vehicle. Measured as the distance between the axles, rather than the actual wheels or tires. 121.2 in

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A stock represents a tiny actual fractional ownership in a real company. Shares are usually parts ownership in a mutual fund.

What does the numerical scale of a map represent?

The numerical scale of a map represents the ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground. For example, a scale of 1:100,000 means that 1 unit on the map represents 100,000 units on the ground. This scale helps users understand the relative distances and sizes of features on the map.

What if actual value - measured value is negative?

Then the measured value is larger than the actual value.

What is unit distance?

According to me, there are many units of distance given by S.I units .The longest unit of distance is light years and after that it is miles.

What measures distance on a map?

The SCALE of the map indicates the relationship between distances measured on a map and the actual distances.

What does the scale of a map indicate?

The numerical scale on a map shows how many units of measurement taken from the scale represents the actual distance on the ground. If a and b are 2 miles apart on the ground, the a and b shown on the map should also represent 2 miles apart when measured on the numerical scale.