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Yes. Google Earth Professional also allows you measure area, but it is expensive. Alternatively you can use the free version of Google Earth, mark the area to be measured as a path. Then save it as a kml file. Programs like EasyAcreage can then read these kml files and calculate the acreage for you. This method is remarkably accurate. See a case study where the accuracy of this method was used to measure the size of a tennis court.

The KML Tools Project and Zonums area tool (in links below) is an easy way to measure area online.

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Google Earth Pro

Google Earth Pro version has an area measurement tool but the free version does not.

In Google Earth Pro you can draw a polygon then right-mouse click on the placemark, select Properties, then click on the 'Measurements' tab showing perimeter and area.

The Ruler tool in Google Earth Pro allows you to draw a Line, Path, Polygon, or Circle -- the Polygon and Circle show you area.

Google Earth Free version

Google Earth free version -- only shows length. You can manually measure the length and width of a rectangular area with Ruler tool then calculate the area (length x width).

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How do you use the ruler on Google earth?

Check out the related link below to find help using the Ruler Tool in Google Earth.

Can you drive a car on Google Earth?

Yes and no. The out-of-the-box desktop version of Google Earth only has a flight simulator, but there are some demo applications using the Google Earth API as a web browser plugin to simulate driving a car from one destination to another.

How do you find crop circles using Google Earth?

A handful of web sites have cool things and special topics of things you can find in Google Earth. Google Earth Hacks is one such web site and can find crop circles with screen shots of the location and a link to jump to it in Google Earth or Google Maps. The Google Earth blog also has a couple of articles on crop circles in Google Earth along with screenshots and related links. Click on URLs in related links below for more details.

How do you find out which version of Google Earth you have?

Normally Google Earth Pro auto-updates to the new version when it is available but if that feature is disabled or not working you can manually install the latest version. Visit the Google Earth download page to download the latest version for Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop platforms. You can show the version of Google Earth in the Hep menu and selecting "About Google Earth". Note that Google Earth desktop has been replaced with Google Earth Pro so all updates will be with the latter.For the web version of Google Earth, your web browser always accesses the latest version and you never have to install or uninstall the application.Mobile platforms can update Google Earth using the Google Store, Apple store, or equivalent application management utlility on the particular platform.

Do you have to download the Google Earth application or can you see Google Earth online?

You need to download Google Earth installer then run the installer to install. The basic program comes as a desktop application. Google also provides Google Earth as a web browser plugin. Like Flash or similar plugin when you visit a web page using this plugin it prompts you to install the just the plugin. Installing Google Earth desktop client requires administrator privileges and the web plugin does not.

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How do you get into Google Earth?

Download Google Earth at Then you can install it, and start using it right away.

How many miles from Killeen Texas to Dubai?

roughly 8,155 miles following the straightest line possible, found by using the ruler function on Google Earth!

What simulators are there on Google Earth?

Google Earth only has a F-16 and SR22 in its Flight Simulator. There are no other simulators or aircraft models built-in to Google Earth. There are some new simulators such as cars being created using the Google Earth API.

How do you use the ruler on Google earth?

Check out the related link below to find help using the Ruler Tool in Google Earth.

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While Google doesn't have its own satellite, and is instead provided imagery from other satellites, the imagery is usually 1-3 years old, according to google. So how old images are just depends on when google collects the images. But it is not possible to see images in real time using google earth.

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What are some benefits of using the site Google Earth Blog?

Google Earth Blog is a site unaffiliated with Google used to detail findings and discoveries on Google Earth. It's main benefit is its ability to share content with other users.

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by using Google Earth, you can easily measure distances without having to ask someone everytime you need it =D

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