Physical & Historical
I believe its only 3 definitive divisions Wal-Mart Stores U.S., Sam's Club, and Wal-Mart International
no litercy is the study of language and literature is writing poems etc
science is separated in branches- biology,phisycs...
Mullions are vertical stone members that divide casements windows from each other. If you're talking about the slim divisions in stained glass windows, it's called tracery.
Language and Literature
Macro-economics and micro-economics are these two divisions.
The two divisions are the Senate and House of Representatives.
what are the two divisions of agriculture
The two major divisions are prose and poetry.
inspect inspect
The two main divisions are rational numbers and irrational numbers.
Yes the divisions are separated into Central and Atlantic.
Meiosis involves two divisions in its process.
There are three major divisions of the brain.* Forebrain * Midbrain * HindbrainHemispheres