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example: 1/4

the fraction is made up of a numerator, denominator, and vertice

the numerator is the number being divided by the denominator or the number on top of the vertice

the denominator is the divisor or the number below the vertice

the vertice is the line in the middle of a fraction, separating the denominator and numerator

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Q: How do you do fractions when asked find fractions?
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Find a common denominator for the pair of fractions. Then, write equivalent fractions with the common denominator?

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How do you find improper fractions?


How can you find a common denominator for two unlike fractions?

Find the lowest common multiple of the denominators and adjust the fractions accordingly

What places you can find fractions?

You can find fractions in a lot of places. Some of them are construction, Baking Factory, even when you deliver pizza.

When asked to find the sum of two mixed numbers with different denominators you should before you add?

Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. In actually adding mixed numbers, it is easier to convert the mixed numbers into improper (top heavy) fractions, do the addition, simplify the resulting fraction and convert any resulting improper fraction back into a mixed number.

When to multiply fractions?

whenever you want jk no umm when they tell you too in the problem or you are being asked to idk

How do you find the average of fractions?

The same way that you calculate the average for any other numbers. Sum the fractions and divide the total by the number of fractions.

Adding unlike fractions?

If the denominators are not the same, then you have to use equivalent fractions which do have a common denominator . To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. To add fractions with unlike denominators, rename the fractions with a common denominator. Then add and simplify.

How do you find cube of fractions?

Type it into a calculator

Do you find common denominators when you multiply fractions?


How do you find the total of fractions?

Add them together.

How do you find missing fractions?

U can multiply