you have to compare the common fractions
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.
The average of any group of numbers is (the sum of the numbers in the group) divided by (the number of items in the group). It doesn't matter whether the numbers are integers, fractions, decimals, positive, or negative.
The difference between the fractions a/b and c/d = abs[(ad - bc)/bd]
Same as any average. Add all the fractions and divide them by the amount of fractions
First add all the fractions together. Then, divide this sum by the total number of fractions that were in the set. This quotient is your average fraction.
There are an infinite number of different fractions between two fractions. If you want the one that's exactly in the middle, half-way between them, there's only one of those. It's called the "average" of the two fractions. Find it like this: -- Add the two fractions together. -- Divide the sum by 2 .
The same as you would find the average of other numbers. Add all the numbers together, then divide by the size of the set - by the number that indicates how many numbers you have.
The same as you find the average of any other type of number. You add the numbers, then divide the result by the amount of numbers. For example, to find the average of three different numbers, you add them all, then divide the result by 3.
You multiply the fractions
you have to compare the common fractions
you can find fractions on a recipe,shoes,signs,or notebooks as long as it is a fraction.
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The same way you calculate averages with whole numbers: Add up all the fractions and divide by the number of fractions there are.
Addition or subtraction of fractions require "like" fractions: that is, fractions with the same denominator.