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To find the area, first divide the shape into regular, simple shapes. Then use formulas to find the area of the smaller, regular shapes. Lastly, add up all the smaller areas to find the area of the original shape.

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10y ago

You find others shapes within that shape and find there areas. Then add them together.

You can also use coordinate geometry.

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Q: How do you find the area of an irregular shape if its perimeter is known?
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How do you find the perimeter and area of an irregular shape?

You break it up into smaller shapes which are less irregular. If these are more regular, you can calculate their contribution to the perimeter, and their area. You can then add these together.

If a garden has a perimeter of 80 meters what is the area?

Without knowing the shape of the garden, it is not possible to determine the area based solely on the perimeter. The area of a garden depends on its shape, whether it is rectangular, square, circular, or irregular.

Is it possible for the perimeter to be the same numerical value as the area on a irregular shape?

Noyou must have did something wrong

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The answer depends on what characteristic you want to measure: its perimeter, area, mass, temperature, albedo, etc.

If the area is 350square feet what is the perimeter?

There is insufficient information to answer the question. For a given area, the perimeter depends upon the shape. For a given area, the circle will have the smallest perimeter. For polygons, regular polygons will have a smaller perimeter than an irregular one of the same area. Also, for regular polygons, the greater the number of sides, the smaller the perimeter.

What is the formula used to calculate the area of an irregular shape?

There is no set formula.You have to "split" the irregular shape into regular shapes, use whatever dimensions you have and fit them into the formulas of the known shapes.Find the area of each split shape. Lastly, you add all the areas to give you the totl area of the irregular shape

How do you find the perimeter and area of irregular figures with irregular sizes of squares?

by subtracting

What is a perimieter?

perimeter is when you have a shape and then you have your area and that is what is in the middle of the shape and perimeter is the edge of the shape.

What is perimeter of 324?

The answer depends on what 324 is. A side of a shape with an indeterminate number of sides, or the area of some regular or irregular shape. It would be helpful if you thought about your question before posting it.

Is perimeter and area the same?

No , perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape; the border. Area is the measurement of inside of the shape.

What is the shape for a figure to have a perimeter of 20 and an area of 18?

Perimeter and area are not sufficient to determine the shape of a figure.

What is area an perimeter?

Area is the amount of square units in a 2-D shape, and perimeter is the distance around a shape