you don' is just a measure of mixed concrete. it is approximately 2 tons
or one bucket load of a machine digger
Each 60 pounds bag of ready mix concrete will make .45 cubic foot of concrete. There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. You will need 60 bags of 60 pound premixed concrete to make 1 cubic yard.
A cubic yard of concrete weighs the same underwater as it does on land, which is approximately 4,000 to 4,500 pounds. The weight is determined by the density of the concrete mix, not the surrounding environment.
The answer is, remarkably, 6. Answer: "6 sack" or "6 bag mix" has six bags of cement per cubic yard of concrete mix. Since each sack/bag contains 94 lbs of dry cement, this equals 564 lbs of cement per cubic yard of concrete.
The price of one yard of concrete is $75.00 a cubic yard.
as a rule of thumb, 1 cubic yard of concrete weighs about 4,000lbs or 2 short tons
A cubic yard is a box one yard on each side.1 cubic yard = 1 yard x 1 yard x 1 yard.There are 3 feet in one yard.1 cubic yard = 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet.3x3x3 = your answer9
27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard.
Concrete strength is measured by "bag mix", meaning that the bag mix answers the question, how many bags of cement per yard of concrete. If you're looking for a "6 bag" mix, that means 6 bags of cement per yard of concrete. A "bag" of cement is 1 cubic foot. A yard of concrete is 27 cubic feet (3 X 3 X 3 = 27). If you want to make a "6 bag mix" of concrete, using 1 bag of cement, you would make 1/6 yard concrete with 1 bag of cement. If you would be content with a "5 bag mix", you could make 1/5 yard. Concrete is often defined as ratios of cement,sand,aggregate such as: 1:2:3 which is a very common mix. For a 1:2:3 mix you would need 1/6th of the volume to be cement. The dry ingredients are generally 1.6 x finished concrete volume. Therefore dry volumen for 1 cubic yard = 1.6 cu yards = 43.2 cu ft. 1/6 x 43.2 = 7.2cu ft. Therefore, if one bag is 1 cu ft we need 7.2 bags for a healthy 1:2:3 mix. A '6 bag mix' or a '5 bag mix' are a bit short on cement.
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
there are 27 cubic feet in one cubic yard.
To make one yard of concrete from 80# bags you will need about 40-45 bags. Each bag is about .67 or 2/3 cubic foot. you will need 27 cubic feet to make 1 cubic yard. Cheaper to have a redimix truck deliver, and a lot less work.
About .0369 cubic yards. 20.5"x21"x4"=1722 cubic inches 1 Cubic yard of concrete is 27 cubic feet (9'x9'x9') 1 cubic foot of concrete is 1728 cubic inches (12"x12"x12") 1 cubic yard = 27 x 1728 = 46656 cubic inches 1722/46656 is approximately .0369 This would be a little less than two 80# bags of concrete mix