Less than (<)
Greater than (>)
Equal to (=)
Greater than or equal to (> but it has another horizontal line under it)
Less than or equal to (< but it has another horizontal line under it)
Not Equal to (= but with a / through it)
Depending on the comparison operator used, that's either an equation, or an inequality.
how could i know this silly question!!!!!!!!!
look at your map and look for the owls
If the "comparison symbol" is the equal sign, it is called an "equation". If the symbol is less than, greater than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal, it's called an "inequality".
999 over 999= 100%
Yes, it does support string-comparison: for FRUIT in apple peach; do if [ x"$FRUIT" = x"peach" ]; then echo "equal" else echo "not equal"; fi done
In algebra mathematical symbols are used to compare multiple quantities. The symbols are < and > which represent greater or less than depending on expression and = for equivalent. Another symbol of quantity comparison is less/greater than or equal to.
Improved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals 1978 = MCMLXXVIII, therefore ten symbols of six types are needed.
A six-story building is usually about 60 feet tall.