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Differential gears in an automobile's drivetrain allow the driving wheels to transmit torque, or twisting force, at different turning rates. Thus one wheel can follow the longer arc around the outside of a turn while the other wheel tracks the shorter inside arc without skidding on the road surface.

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Q: What is the function of a differential in an automobile?
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What is the function of the differential?

In an automobile, the differential allows each of the driving wheels to rotate at different speeds, while supplying equal torque to each of them. In automotive applications, the differential and its housing are sometimes collectively called a "pumpkin" (because the housing resembles a pumpkin).

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The differential of the sine function is the cosine function while the differential of the cosine function is the negative of the sine function.

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These are commonly used inside the differential on an Automobile.

What is the difference between differential and derivative in the field of calculus?

The derivative refers to the rate at which a function changes with respect to another measure. The differential refers to the actual change in a function across a parameter. The differential of a function is equal to its derivative multiplied by the differential of the independent variable . The derivative of a function is the the LIMIT of the ratio of the increment of a function to the increment of the independent variable as the latter tends to zero.

What is the the function of a differential?

your mom idiot

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What is the function of differential in a vehicle?

your mom idiot

In an automobile the drive shaft connects the transmission to the?

Differential, many times called the rear-end or third member.

What is final drive in automobile?

Parts of a vehicle like the driveshaft, differential and axles. Commonly anything after the gearbox going to the wheels.

What is the purpose of differential calculus?

Differential Calculus is to take the derivative of the function. It is important as it can be applied and supports other branches of science. For ex, If you have a velocity function, you can get its acceleration function by taking its derivative, same relationship as well with area and volume formulas.

What is the difference between differential and differentiation?

A differential is the result gained when mathematical differentiation is applied to a function. Differentiation in maths is the function which finds the gradient of a function in terms of x. Differentiation in biology is the specialisation of unspecialised cells such as stem cells into active cells.

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It generates electricity to chrage the automobile battery.