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There is no sound in space.

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Q: How long does it take for sound to travel one mile in space?
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How long does it take sound to go 1 mile in space?

If it's space then it's totally vacuum and thus no medium for sound to travel and thus it can't travel in space so no speed no distance can be covered and no time can be taken..

How long does it take for sound to travel a mile on the moon?

Since the moon has little to no atmosphere, sound cannot move as it has no medium to travel thru.

How long does it take to travel a mile in a rocket ship?

The time required for a space vehicle to travel 1 mile is precisely(3,600 seconds)/(speed of the ship, in mph) .

What has a long vowel sound Mill or mile?

"Mile" has a long vowel sound. "Mill" has a short vowel sound.

Can you hear sound from a mile away?

It is unlikely to hear sound from a mile away due to factors such as the attenuation of sound waves over distance and interference from other environmental noises. Generally, sound cannot travel long distances without being significantly weakened or distorted.

How long would it take to travel a mile at 200 mph?

18 seconds to travel a mile at 200 mph.

Is the I in while a long or short vowel sound?

The I has a long I sound as in whine and mile. The E is silent.

How long does it take to travel a mile at 65mph?

55.4 seconds per mile at 65mph

Is silent a long or short vowel word?

The I in silent has a long I sound as in mile. The -ent has a schwa sound.

Is silent a long vowel Or short vowel?

The I in silent has a long I sound as in mile. The -ent has a schwa sound.

How do you make a space hook?

60,000 mile long cable droped from space

Does mild have a short or long vowel sound?

The vowel "i" in the word "mild" has a short sound.