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Since the moon has little to no atmosphere, sound cannot move as it has no medium to travel thru.

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Q: How long does it take for sound to travel a mile on the moon?
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Why cant sound travel on the moon?

Sound can travel on the moon because there is no atmosphere. Space is a vacuum that does not allow sound to travel.

How long would it take to travel 1 mile on the moon?

It would take about the same amount of time to travel 1 mile on the moon as it would on Earth, assuming similar modes of transportation. The moon's surface gravity is about 1/6th that of Earth's, so you would experience less resistance while moving.

How long does it take to travel the moon in one mile?

That depends on how fast you are going. Basic math here. If you are on the moon, and you travel in a straight line at 100 mph, you will have traveled a mile after 1/100 of an hour, or 36 seconds. Remember, this applies to wherever you are, not just the moon.

Does sound travel in the atmosphere of the moon?

Yes, sound can travel in the atmosphere of the moon, but it would be very different from sound travel on Earth due to the moon's thin atmosphere. Sound waves would propagate through the moon's atmosphere much slower and with less intensity than on Earth. Additionally, the lack of air molecules on the moon means that sound would not be able to travel very far.

Can an explosion be heard on the surface of the moon?

No, an explosion on the moon would not be heard due to the lack of atmosphere. Sound waves need a medium like air to travel through, which is absent on the moon.

Will sound travel faster or slower on moon than on earth?

Sound will travel slower on the moon than on Earth. This is because the moon's lack of atmosphere results in sound waves traveling at a slower pace due to the reduced medium through which they can propagate.

What does moon sound like?

NOTHING there is no atmosphere on the moon therefore sound cannot travel

Does sound travel in the moons atmosphere?

Sound would travel in the moon's atmosphere if the moon had any atmosphere, but since it hasn't, it doesn't.

Will sound travel on the moon?

no because there is no air particles on the moon

Is there a way sound can travel on the moon?

It can travel through the moon's crust, yes - it is solid. But it cannot travel through the air on the moon, of course, because there Is no air on the moon!

How long hours travel to moon?

what it is not right it must be how long it takes to travel to the moon!!!

Why cant you listen sound on the moon?

There is no air for sound to travel through.