It depends what speed you are going at... say if you were going at 60 miles an hour, you would travel 950 miles. However if you were doing 30mph you would travel 475 miles. Remember to work out the distance you do the speed times the time it takes. Or if you want to work out the speed you do the distance divided by the time. Hope this helps! From Italic97
It depends on how fast you are going.
the time depends on how fast you are going
A long time, it depends how fast your going.
The time taken depends on the speed at which the journey is undertaken. And the speed depends on a number of factors. Amongst these are the mode of transport, road conditions including weather, speed limits, traffic.
5 mi /(10 min/60 min/hr) = 30MPH.
depends on how long you walk and at what constant rate of time you are going if you use Rate*time=Distance.
velocity = distance / time time = distance / velocity time = 343 miles / 70 miles per hour = 4.9 hours
A Resident Orca can travel between 8mph and 30mph but can only travel at fast speeds for a short period of time. On average, it would take a Resident Orca 2.5 days to travel 189 miles at a rate of 75 miles per day.
1603036 lengths of a (standard) 25m pool - that's going to take a long time!
The average speed of the car overall is 40 mph. This is found by calculating the harmonic mean of the speeds, which is the total distance divided by the total time taken. Since the distances going up and down are the same, the average speed can be calculated by using the formula: 2ab/(a+b), where a = 30mph and b = 60mph. This gives us 23060 / (30+60) = 40 mph.
Time = Distance/Speed = 0.508 hours.