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A little over 1 and 1/2 hours.

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Q: How long would it take to drive 114 miles if you are traveling at 73 miles per hour?
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How long would it take to drive 134 miles traveling at 45 miles per hour?

2 hours 58 minutes.

If you took a trip going at 65 miles per hour how long would it take you to drive 260 miles?

If you took a trip traveling at the rate of 65 miles per hour it would take you 4 hours to travel 260 miles.

How long does it take to drive 40 miles traveling at 35 miles per hour?

1 hour, 8 minutes, 34.29 seconds

How long does it take to drive 130 miles traveling 90 miles per hour?

1 hour, 26 minutes, 20 seconds

How long will 54 miles take to drive?

This would depend upon the speed at which you are traveling, but if you are going on the highway at 54 mph, it would take you one hour.

What does mh in flight mh370 stand for?

Mh stands for "miles an hour." So a plane traveling mh370 would be traveling 370 miles in an hour.

How long would it take to go 80 miles if your are traveling 80 miles per hour?

1 hour. You can go 80 miles in an hour. Hence Miles Per Hour or MPH.... If you were traveling at 45 Miles Per Hour, that means In 1 Hour you cover 45 Miles

How far would bikers travel in 1 hour if they were traveling 8 miles per hour?

Really? ... 8 MILES PER HOUR! The would travel EIGHT MILES IN AN HOUR!

How long does it take to drive 91.5 miles traveling 75mph?

You would divide 91.5 miles by 75 miles. You already know that it takes at least an hour because you are traveling farther than 75 miles. 91.5/75=1.22. That means 1 hour and 22/100 of an hour, or 13.2 minutes. You can test this by using fractions:22/100: 0.2213.2/60(minutes): 0.22So you know the minutes answer because it is equivalent to your previous answer. That means:It takes 1 hour and 13.2 minutes to drive 91.5 miles traveling at 75mph.

How long to drive 67 miles?

The time it takes to drive 67 miles will depend on various factors such as the speed you are traveling and any obstacles or traffic along the route. In general, if you are driving at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour, it would take approximately 1 hour and 7 minutes to drive 67 miles.

How long will it take to drive 145 miles if you are traveling at 65 miles per hour?

about 2 1/2 hours

Traveling at 65 miles per hour, approximately how long will it take for Marcus to drive 310 miles?

4.77 hours