The shortest driving distance is 425 miles.
About 425 miles and 8 to 8.5 hours of driving.
About 7 hours. It's 425 miles.
About 425 miles, 7.5 hours driving time to Portugal, Laredo, TX from Midland.
The distance between the start point and the destination is 425 miles, and will take approximately 8 hours 27 minutes of driving time.
The shortest driving distance is 425 miles.
Which Alpena - Michigan, Arkansas or South Dakota? If you mean Michigan, the driving distance is 425 miles.
7 hours 5 minutes at 60 mph
264 miles in 425 kilometers
That would depend on how fast the airplane is flying. If the plane is flying 425 miles per hour it would take 1 hour. At 212.5 miles per hour it would take 2 hours.
About 425 miles.
425 miles.