1260 miles
If you average 60 mph, you will travel 1260 miles. If you average 20 mpg, you will use 63 gallons.
1260 miles/ 20 =63 mph. Divide the distance (miles) by the time and you end up with mph (miles x time)
1260 miles = 2028 km.
16 hours 48 minutes.
180 days × 7 hours/day = 1260 hours 24 hours = 1 day → 1260 hours = 1260 ÷ 24 days = 52 ½ days.
0.2386364 miles.
21 hours.
60 minutes = 1 hour 1260 minutes divided by 60 = 21 hours
To find the answer, simply divide the # of minutes (1260) by the # of minutes in an hour (60) to find the quotient of 21 hours.
the answer is 21