A semi - or a semi-detached house is not usually sold by the mile!
about 3.7 cents per mile
.42-.68 a mile
about 30 million per mile
about 35 cents
1 trillion dollars per mile
It can cost anywhere from 0.45-68.
You need to know the price per gallon and also the miles per gallon your car can achieve. Then the cost per mile is the dollars per gallon divided by the miles per gallon. The answer is in dollars per mile (in the UK use pounds instead). So with fuel at $1 per gallon, and car that does 20 mpg, the fuel cost is $1 / 20 per mile, or 5 cents per mile.
it would cost 10 cents per mile
About $50,000 per mile
The cost per mile will vary based upon where you live. The average cost to tow a car ranges from $3-$7 per mile.
Divide cost per gallon by the miles per gallon to receive cost per mile. Take the result and multiply the miles to travel by the cost per mile to receive the total cost for the trip. Example: $3.55 cost per gallon/18 mpg= .1922 cents per mile X 1200 miles = $236.66 cost of trip.
It depends on how much gas you use per mile.