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Use the formula: distance = time x speed.

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Q: If a car travels 45 miles per hour for 3 hours how long does it travels in miles?
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88/50 = 1.76 hours = 1hour 45minutes 36seconds

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14 hours (252/18 = 14).

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1 hour

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150: 50 = 3 h. It will take 3 hours to travel the 150 miles.

If it takes a person 3 hour to travel 27 miles how long will it take to travel 70 miles?

27 / 3 = 9 Thus the person travels 9 miles in an hour and 70/9 hours to travel 70 miles. You do the math.

How long is 13 light hours?

Light-hours is a measure of distance, not time. It is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one hour's time. In this case, 13 light-hours equates to 8,718,016,181 miles.

If a car travels 16 miles in 30 minutes how fast is the car traveling?

32 miles per hour. The speed at which the car is travelling is the distance in miles that the car travels per hour. If the car travels 16 miles in 30 minutes it should then travel twice as far in one hour, since one hour is twice as long as 30 minutes (half an hour). So, the car travels 2 * 16 miles per hour, which equals 32 miles per hour.