14 liters per 100km equates to about 20.177 miles per Imperial gallon.
20 liters per 100 km = 14.1 miles per Imperial gallon.
If my math is correct that's 35 miles per Imperial gallon ( just over 29 MPG for the U.S. gallon )
34.59 miles per gallon.
36.19 miles per gallon.
8.11 L/100km
32 miles per gallon is 7.35 L/100km
When specifying the efficiency of an engine, the distance that can be travelled on a certain amount if fuel is used. This can be expressed as miles per gallon (mpg) for which the higher the better - the more miles that can be achieved for every gallon of fuel the better the efficiency of the engine (and driver). Alternatively, it can be expressed as the number of liters of fuel required to travel 100 km (l/100km). In this case the lower the better. To convert between the two divide 235.214 by the mpg or l/100km to get the other one. If you had asked about litres per 100 kilometres, then I would have assumed you were English and not American (based on the spelling) and as such the gallon is the imperial gallon and not the US gallon, and the conversion is to divide 282.481 by the mpg or l/100 km to get the other one.
18 miles per US gallon equates to 21.6 miles per Imperial gallon.
9.7 liters per 100 km = about 24.25 miles per gallon.
15.8L/100km equates to about 15 miles per US gallon or6.72 US gallons per 100 miles.
If by UK gallon you mean Imperial gallon, then the answer would be about 23.3. 1 US gallon = 0.83267384 Imperial gallon 28 US MPG * 0.83267384 = 23.31486752 Imperial MPG