%rate= (425/340) x100% = 125%
The percentage decrease is 15%. It can also be expressed as a difference of -15%. 425 - 500 = -75 -75 / 500 = -0.15 -0.15 x 100 = -15 So 15%.
425% easy because 4 stands for 400, 2 stands for 20 and 5 stands for 5 add em all together and u got 425%
131.75= 31%/100% * 425= 31/100 * 425= 0.31 * 425= 131.75
percentage of 425 = 42500%425= 425 * 100%= 42500%
%rate= (425/340) x100% = 125%
500 to 425 is a 15% decrease.
To convert a percentage to decimal form divide by 100: 425% = 425 / 100 = 4.25
Percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100 so, 8.5/2, multiply top and bottom by 50 = 425/100 = 425 %
425/100 or 17/4 in fraction425%1. Make 4.25 into a whole number.In this case, multiply it by 100.2. Whatever is multiplied to 4.25 should also be divided into it so as not to change the value of 4.25.Thus;4.25 * 100/100 = 425/100 or 17/43. Multiply 4.25 * 100% to make it to percentage.4.25 * 100% = 425%
The percentage decrease is 15%. It can also be expressed as a difference of -15%. 425 - 500 = -75 -75 / 500 = -0.15 -0.15 x 100 = -15 So 15%.
425% easy because 4 stands for 400, 2 stands for 20 and 5 stands for 5 add em all together and u got 425%
425 times. 425/1 = 425
multiply the obtained marks with 100 and divide by 425
N - 425 = 9 n - 425 + 425 = 9 + 425 n = 434