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Q: An average freight train traveling at 30 MPH needs a stopping distance of more than?
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An average freight train traveling at 30 MPH needs a stopping distance of more than mile?

1/2 mile

An average freight train is moving at 60 mph. what is the stopping distance of the train?

about 600miles from the starting point, which would be X x 60)+123 +567 _ a=bsquare = csquare

What is the speed of a loaded freight train if it takes about one mile to make complete stop?

The speed of a loaded freight train would be approximately 60 miles per hour if it takes about one mile to make a complete stop. The stopping distance of a train is typically about one mile when traveling at that speed.

What is the average Train stopping distance?

This question is complicated to answer. It depends on a number of factors. For one, it depends on what type of train it is. A freight train, for example, can take over 2 miles to completely stop. It also depends on what speed the train is going.

What is average salary of freight broker?

The average salary for a freight broker in the United States is $39,000.

what- two elevators are side by side. the freight elevator is at the bottom and traveling upward, and the express elevator is at the 20th floor and traveling downward?

the fourth floor

what- two elevators are side by side. the freight elevator is at the bottom floor and traveling upward, and the express elevator is at the 20th floor and traveling downward. the height of the freight elevator?

the fourth floor

What is the minimum distance required to stop the train?

This depends upon the type of train, its tonnage. and the speed it is travelling. Passenger trains can stop much faster than a freight train. A passenger train at normal speeds of 60mph to 110 mph can be stopped in well under a mile, minimum distance as short as 2500 feet. A heavy freight train traveling at 40mph can take nearly 2 miles to stop.

A 3000 kg freight train traveling at a rate of 2ms strikes a stationary 3000 kg freight car and couples upwhat is the spped of the 2 cars as they move together after the collision?


What are the benefits of using freight carriers?

There are many benefits to using freight carriers. Freight carriers allow companies to move a large quantity of products over a long distance in one trip, which saves time.

How is freight rates determined?

Freight rates are detemined by the company, usually based on the distance the package needs to travel, the speed (air freight is more expensive than road freight is more expensive than sea freight) and customs/border issues. Often there's also a part of the fee set aside for insurance.

What is freight charge?

A freight charge or freight rate is the price set to transport a specific cargo or freight from one destination to another. The freight charge depends on what type of cargo is being shipped, which type of transportation will be used (ship, train, truck, airplane), the distance to the delivery destination, and the weight of the cargo. Freight shipping companies can coordinate all aspects of the cargo transportation while providing a competitive price for freight shipping.