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No, integers are a subset of rational numbers.

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Q: Are the rational numbers a subset of integers?
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Integers are a subset of what types of numbers?

Integers are a subset of rational numbers which are a subset of real numbers which are a subset of complex numbers ...

Is rational number not a subset of integer?

No, rational numbers are not a subset of integers.

How Integers In Rational Number Relate?

Integers are aproper subset of rational numbers.

Are integers in a set of rational numbers?

Yes - the set of integers is a subset of the set of rational numbers.

Are rational numbers a subset of a set of integers?

No, they are not.

Integers are a subset of rational numbers?


What is the relationship between integers and rational numbers?

The set of integers is a proper subset of the set of rational numbers.

What is the relationship between counting numbers whole numbers integers and rational numbers?

Counting numbers are a proper subset of whole numbers which are the same as integers which are a proper subset of rational numbers.

Is the set of integers a subset of the set of rational numbers?

Yes. Integers are just rational numbers of the form a/1.

How are whole numbers rational numbers and integers related?

Whole numbers are the same as integers. Whole numbers are a proper subset of rational numbers.

Are all rational numbers in the set of whole numbers?

No. But all whole numbers are in the set of rational numbers. Natural numbers (ℕ) are a subset of Integers (ℤ), which are a subset of Rational numbers (ℚ), which are a subset of Real numbers (ℝ),which is a subset of the Complex numbers (ℂ).

What is 20137 as a rational number?

20137 is an integer and the integers are a subset of rational numbers!