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Q: Base of the exponent must be greater than 1. How would the function change if the base of the exponent were 1 How would the function change if the base of the exponent were between 0 and 1?
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In exponential growth functions the base of the exponent must be greater than 1. How would the function change if the base of the exponent were 1 How would the function change if the base of the expon?

"The base of the exponent" doesn't make sense; base and exponent are two different parts of an exponential function. To be an exponential function, the variable must be in the exponent. Assuming the base is positive:* If the base is greater than 1, the function increases. * If the base is 1, you have a constant function. * If the base is less than 1, the function decreases.

What is the amount of increase or decrease in a function?

The amount of increase or decrease in a function is determined by the difference between the final value and the initial value of the function. If the final value is greater than the initial value, there is an increase; if the final value is less than the initial value, there is a decrease. The magnitude of this difference indicates the extent of the change in the function.

If a number written in scientific notation was doubled would the exponent change?

Te exponent would not change if the number is less than 5.

How do you change a fraction base with an exponent in an equation?

The answer will depend on what you wish to change it to!

How do you change powers in scientific notation?

To change a number from standard to scientific notation, move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point to get the power of 10. If you moved it to the left, the exponent is positive, and if you moved it to the right, the exponent is negative.

How do you change negative exponets to positive exponents?

A negative exponent of a number is the same as the reciprocal of that same number to the equivalent positive exponent.EXAMPLE : 2-3 = 1/23When multiplying powers of the same base the rule is, addthe exponents.So, if the initial exponent is negative then the number has to be multiplied by a power of that number with an equivalent positive exponent greater than the negative exponent.EXAMPLE : 2-3 x 25 = 2(-3+5) = 22 (As 5 > l3l then the resultant exponent is positive)

What is 3m to the negative forth power?

It is the same as 1/34 . We move an exponent to the denominator and we change the exponent from positive to negative. Now 34 is 81 so the answer is 1/81 meters.If the exponent in the denominator is negative, we can move it up to the numerator and change it to a positive.

When rewriting an exponential expression with a negative exponent and a positive base to an expression containing only a positive exponent does the sign of the base change?


What must be true about the average rate of change between any two points on the graph of an increasing function?

if a function is increasing, the average change of rate between any two points must be positive.

What is the negative exponent property?

When you have a negative exponent on, say, 4, it will be written 4^-2 You basically take the reciprocal of it and change the exponent to a positive one. 4^-2 would be 1/4^2

How do you change scientific notation in positive exponent to standard form?

If the exponent is b, then you move the decimal point b places to the right - inserting zeros if necessary.

What rule allows us to change the sign of an exponent?

1 divided by a number with an exponent is the same as the number to the exponent of opposite sign. For example 1 divided by 2 to the third power is the same as 2 to the minus 3 power