Yes and it is also a Prime number
No, 2.9 is not a prime number. Prime numbers are integers greater than 1 that have no positive divisors other than 1 and themselves. Since 2.9 is not an integer but a decimal number, it does not fit the definition of a prime number.
Yes, because no number goes into it except for 1 and itself.17 is a prime number because it can only be divided by itself and 1 and nothing else there for it is a prime numberYes 17 is a prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one
Easiest way to answer this question yourself is can this number be divided by 2 or 3 and not have a decimal or any "leftover" numbers? 999997 / 2 = 499998.5 = Nope 999997 / 3 = 333332.33 = Nope Answer: Yes, 999997 is a prime number. No, the above is not a legitimate prime test. 999997 is actually 757 * 1321 and is not prime. There is no easy prime test you can do in your head that I know of.
There is no biggest prime number.The largest prime known at present is 243112609 - 1, a number with nearly 13 million decimal digits. It was verified by the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search on August 23, 2008.For more information about record prime numbers, see the related link.Since we know there is no biggest number, there is no reason to believe there is such a restriction on Prime Numbers.
Of course. 7 is a decimal number.
No. 2 is a prime but 1/2 is not a repeating decimal.
No, because it has decimal numbers.
Yes and it is also a Prime number
A prime number is when: The only numbers that can go inside that number is 1 and itself. So, yes. 99.9 is a prime number. By checking, you can do 99.9 divided by 2, and if its a decimal number, then its a prime.
The prime number 53 is a natural number, as is any whole number greater than zero.
You can divide 31 by any number. But because it is a prime number, the answer will always be a decimal.
If the number is divisible by any number and the quotient comes out to a whole number, then that number is composite. The number is prime when divided by a number, the answer is a decimal, then the number is prime. A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. Any number having more factors is a composite number.
Yes. Being a prime number has nothing to do with the decimal system.
All numbers can be divided. But if you get a number with an infinate decimal that would be called an irrational number(the dividend, not the divisor) a number that can't be divided is a prime number. prime number
When you add two or more prime numbers you will only end up with a whole number and not a decimal number.
If you mean a 'prime number', then it is a number that cannot be divided into a smaller number without becoming a decimal