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110010010001 is 3217 in decimal.

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Q: Can someone convert 1100 1001 0001 from binary to decimal?
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The answer is 1 0101 0111 1110 1011 1011 0011 1111 1010 0001 0111

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00010100 Like: 1 = 0001 4 = 0100

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97 base 10 = 110 0001 base 2

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How does PCD differ from the straight binary number system?

I assume you mean BCD, Binary Coded Decimal. BCD uses 4 bits to represent one decimal number. The easiest way is to make a table, with decimal, BCD, Hex and straight binary. 1 0000 0001 1 0000 0001 2 0000 0010 2 0000 0010 3 0000 0011 3 0000 0011 ...Skip a bit.... 9 0000 1001 9 0000 1001 10 0001 0000 A 0000 1010 11 0001 0001 B 0000 1011 ...Skipping again.... 15 0001 0101 F 0000 1111 16 0001 0110 10 0001 0000 Get the idea? In the first one, 4 binary bits are matched with one decimal digit. In straight binary, the number scrolls on. Interestingly, this caused some problems, earning itself the name 'the 2.1K bug'. some systems, generally small systems like Eftpos terminals, wrote values in BCD binary, but read them as straight binary. So dates were written in BCD 10, but read back as (check the table) Ordinary binary 16. Hilarity ensued.

What is the BCD representation of the decimal number 41 in 6-bit?

41 in decimal is 0100 0001 in BCD (this is 8 bits not 6 bits)41 in decimal is 101001 in binary (this is 6 bits, but binary not BCD)There is no 6 bit BCD representation of the decimal number 41!

What is the binary number of alphabet A?

For Capital A, 0100 0001. For Lowercase A, 0110 0001.

Why can't 1111 be used in a BCD number?

1111 can't be used for Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) because 1111=15 which is made of 2 digits 1 and 5. In BCD a 4-digit binary number is used for every decimal digit. ex. 1111 is incorrect 1 = 0001 5 = 0101 Answer: 0001 0101

What is the binary digit of 16?

0001 0000

What is the difference between binary codes and bcd codes?

In BCD each digit of a decimal number is coded as a separate 4 bit binary number between 0 and 9.For example:Decimal 12 in BCD is shown as 0001 0010 (Binary 1 and Binary 2), in Binary it is 1100.