The LCD is 1. The GCD is 17.
No. A common multiple is a multiple of both numbers. There is no multiple of 17 that is less than 17.
LCD = 119 (7x17=119)
Since 11 and 17 are both prime, you multiply them together to get the LCD which comes out to be 187.
No, it cannot be smaller than the largest of the numbers. In this case, that is 1317.
If that's least common denominator, no. The LCM of 9 and 17 is 153.
No. The least common denominator cannot be less than the largest denominator.
Passions - 1999 1-1317 was released on: USA: 17 September 2004
The LCD is 1. The GCD is 17.
15.5 is less than 17
Yes, 14 is 3 less than 17
No. A common multiple is a multiple of both numbers. There is no multiple of 17 that is less than 17.
15/17 is less than 1. 17/15 is more than 1.
LCD = 119 (7x17=119)