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-2.78 < -11/4

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Q: Choose the sign that makes this statement a true statement negative 2 point 78 and negative 11 over 4?
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How is the way the decimal point moves when you divide a number by a power of ten the same as when you multiply?

It is not. For positive powers of ten, the decimal point moves to the right when multiplying and to the left when dividing. For negative powers of ten the point moves in the opposite directions.

What is 1.66 times 10 to the negative 27power in standard form?

Moving the decimal point 27 places to the left will give the answer.

What is negative elevation?

A negative elevation usually refers to the distance below sea level of a point on dry land. For example the lowest dry land on earth is the shore of the Dead Sea in Israel at -418m; that is it has a negative elevation of 418m. Guns and canons also use elevation. Obviously if you are firing from above on a target below you will use negative elevation.

What is a delete query?

A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.A delete query can delete some or all of the records from a table. You can choose which ones to delete by using criteria, like choosing to remove all records that have a date beyond a certain point, or all the staff working in a particular department etc.

Is 35.0 a whole number?

35.0 is a whole number even though it has the point 0. The .0 makes no difference as 0 has no numeric value

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Choose the sign that makes this statement a true statement 3 point 18 and 3 and 1 over 8?

3.18 &gt; 3 1/8

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confused are you? Choose the one that makes you happy because if he isn't mr perfect then whats the point

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If your point is positive positive it is in 1. If tour point is negative positive it is in 2. If your point it negative negative it is in 3. And if your point it positive negative it is in 4.

Is the boiling point a negative number for neon?

Whether or not the boiling point of neon is negative depends on the temperature scale used to describe the boiling point. If the boiling point is given in Celsius or Fahrenheit, the boiling point is negative. However, in Kelvin, which cannot be negative, the boiling point is positive.

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Your statement is very unclear, do not be a moot . moot means debatable or arguable .

When do we use positive tag question and negative tag questiion?

You are trying hard, aren't you?When the statement is positive (you are trying hard) the tag is negative (aren't you).She didn't go with you, did she?When the statement is negative (she didn't go with you) the tag is positive (did she).Tag questions invite the listener to respond to the statement with a yes or no answer. Negative tags expect a yes answer and positive tags expect a no answerWe use tag questions to verify or check information that we think is true, or to check information that we aren't sure about.Sometimes we just use them when we are trying to be sarcastic, or to make a strong point.

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When an author makes a statement, they are expressing a claim or belief that can be persuasive or informative. The statement may be based on evidence, reasoning, or personal opinion, and it leaves room for debate or disagreement. It is up to the author to effectively argue their point and provide support for their statement to convince the audience of its validity.

Is it true that the direction of an electric field at any point by convention is the direction of the electrical force on a small negative test charge placed at that point?

Yes, that is correct. The direction of the electric field at any point represents the direction in which a positive test charge placed at that point would experience a force. If a negative test charge is used, the force it experiences would be in the opposite direction of the electric field.

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You can write in any point of view that you wish - you're the author! Choose whichever POV makes the best story.

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it was an objective and biased statement in the point of view of those who wrote it.