You can convert fractions and percentages into a decimal number.
For example: * fraction = percentage = decimal * 1/2 (one half) = 50% = .5 * 1/3 one third) = 33% = .33 (roughly)
* 1/4 (quarter) = 25% = .25 * 1/10 (tenth) = 10% = .1 * 3 and 1/2 = 350% = 3.5
1/3rd = 0.33333 . . . and it keeps on going, and never ends
One third in decimal form is 0.33
You cannot convert a decimal into a decimal!
0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.
Convert 29.53 to decimal
You can use the Windows calculator to do the conversions. If you want to learn how to do it yourself:To convert binary to decimal, multiply the right-most digit with 1, the second digit (from the right) with 2, the third with 4, etc.To convert to octal, group the bits from the right to the left, in groups of 3. Convert each group to a decimal digit.
0.3333 repeating
To convert a percentage to a decimal divide by 100: 61/3 % = 61/3 ÷ 100 = 6.333... ÷ 100 ≈ 0.0633
One third in decimal form is 0.3333 . . .
One third in decimal form is 0.33
One third in decimal form is .3333 repeated
one third as a decimal = 0.33
No. To compare fractions, you can convert them to a common denominator (in this case, fifteenths). You can also use a calculator to convert each fraction to a decimal.
4 and one third written as a decimal is 4.333333333333...etc.
33.3 (The three in the decimal place really goes on forever. Since it is not possible to show it, it is often denoted with a bar over the decimal that repeats. The bar cannot be used in this answer, unfortunately.)
One and one third is 1.3333 . . .
The decimal equivalent to negative seven and one-third is -7.333