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zero is neither positive nor negetive

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Q: Do real positive numbers include zero?
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Are all numbers that is greater than zero is an positive integers?

No. All numbers greater than zero are positive real numbers. Integers are whole numbers (positive or negative) and therefore, don't include numbers with decimals.

Is a real number positive negative or zero?

Real numbers are all positive numbers except zero.

Is there a positive real number that closest to zero on the number line?

Real numbers include fractional and decimal numbers. So the closest-to-zero positive real number would be 0.00000000...001; that is, an an infinite number of zeros between the decimal and the 1.

Greater than zero?

Positive numbers, otherwise known as real numbers.

What is a positive numbers in math?

Positive numbers, which form a subset of real numbers, are numbers greater than zero.

Positive numbers in math?

Positive numbers refers to any real number that is greater than zero.

What are positive and negative numbers called?

Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.

What are real numbers in modern algebra?

Real numbers include both positive and negative numbers, and also zero; also included are integers and fractions, including all types of fractions (rational, irrational, or transcendental). Only imaginary numbers are not real.

How you would order from least to greatest three numbers that include a positive number a negative number and zero?

Negative first, then zero and then the positive.

How do you determine when the product or quotient of 2 rational numbers is positive negative or zero?

If one or both numbers are zero, then the answer is zero;if the two numbers have the same sign, then the answer is positive;if the two numbers have different signs, then the answer is negative.Incidentally, this is true of all real numbers, not just rationals.

What is known as a set of positive and negative numbers called?

The set of non-zero real numbers.

Is every natural number is positive number?

No. Zero is a natural number but it is not positive. However, all other natural numbers are positive.