Numbers to the right of zero on a number line are positive numbers; to the left are the negative numbers.
When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.
This set of numbers is called "Whole Numbers".
On a number line, the positive numbers extend to the right of zero, and the negative numbers extend to the left of zero. So -3.4 is 3.4 to the left of zero.
Non-Zero Real Numbers are infact complex conjugate numbers. They are negative prime numbers.
Numbers to the right of zero on a number line are positive numbers; to the left are the negative numbers.
No, both positive and negative numbers are part of the so-called "real" numbers. The so-called "imaginary" numbers are outside the number line.Imagine the real numbers as a line from left to right, and the imaginary numbers a a separate line, from top to bottom. The place where they meet is zero. Positive is to the right of zero, negative to the left, imaginary numbers like +i or +3i to the top of zero, and negative imaginary numbes like -5i to the bottom of zero.
When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.
numbers below zero are called negative numbers.
i think they are called negative numbers.
All of the natural numbers and zero are called integers.
Positive numbers are numbers to the right of zero on a number line.
Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".
Positive numbers go to the right of zero, negative numbers go to the left of zero.
The set of whole numbers.
This set of numbers is called "Whole Numbers".