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no because 1 only has 0 and its self. :D

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Q: Does every whole number have a even number of factors?
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Do odd numbers always have an odd number of factors?

No. Consider 15: 1,3,5,15 Every positive whole number has an even number of factors, unless the number is a perfect square.

Does every number have an even number of factors?

No, square numbers have an odd number of factors.

Is even number times even number always even?

Yes, it is. Any whole number times an even number will be even. This is because whole numbers can be represented as the product of their prime factors. Every even number contains 2 as a prime factor (thereby excluding all even numbers above 2 from being prime.) Additionally, the product of any two numbers is equal to the product of their prime factors. This means that the result of multiplying an even number by a whole number will always have a prime factor of 2, making it an even number.

What numbers between 50 and 60 have an even number of factors?

Every one of them has an even number of factors.

What square numbers are even and which square numbers are odd?

The square of every positive or negative even whole number is a positive even whole number. The square of every positive or negative odd whole number is a positive odd whole number. There are an infinite number of each kind.

A whole number having more than two factors?

yes 22 is a whole number it has more than two factors even 27

What two factors are common to every even number?

1 and 2 are common factors to even numbers

Does every positive integer greater than 20 have an even number of factors?

No. They have different number of factors

Does every whole number have a reciprocal?

Not just every whole number. Every number has a reciprocal, even 0. The reciprocal of 0 is undefined.

Do all square numbers have an odd number of factors?

Yes, they do. Factors come in pairs. When a number is squared it is only one factor. Example: 16 2x8 = 2 factors 4x4 = 1 factor 1x16 = 2 factors Total = 5 factors *** That's true of integers (whole numbers) that are perfect squares. It turns out that every whole number has an even number of factors, but if the number is a perfect square, then two of them are the same number, so there appear to be an odd number of them.

Is 12 an odd number or an even number?

12 is an even number and it is also a composite number because it has more than two factors

What is even numbers with two factors?

That is actually impossible. This is because every number has two factors ( the number itslef and 1) . If a number is even there will be one more factor, that is 2. So an even number has to have atleast 3 factors.