In a fraction the numerator is on top of the denominator
In a fraction the top number is called the numerator and the bottom a denomimator. So basically the top number in a fraction.
The top part of a fraction is the numerator; the bottom part is the denominator.
A proper fraction is a fraction that has a top number less than its bottom number.
9/5 is a top heavy fraction.
On the bottom - numerator on top; denom on bottom.
The Top Of a Fraction is called the Numerator
-- Multiply the fraction by the full price. -- Subtract the result from the full price. The difference is the discounted price.
In a fraction the numerator is on top of the denominator
Top number in a fraction is the numerator.
The top part of a fraction is called the numerator.
A 'top heavy' fraction is an improper fraction as for example 5/3
The dividend is the top (numerator) of the fraction.
The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.
In a fraction the top number is called the numerator and the bottom a denomimator. So basically the top number in a fraction.
easy bottom to top top to bottom
It is called an improper or vulgar fraction. Or, for obvious reasons, a top-heavy fraction.