To estimate the product of 87 times 403, you can round both numbers to the nearest tens or hundreds. Rounding 87 to 90 and 403 to 400, you get 90 x 400 = 36,000. This is a rough estimate of the product of 87 times 403.
There is no definitive answer for an estimation, so you could come up with something around 35000. The actual product is 35061, so that would be close.
87 = 3 x 29
It'll be a little more than half. Estimate 87.
As a general rule, the product of the GCF and the LCM is equal to the product of the original numbers. That would make the answer to this problem 6240. Unfortunately, the GCF of 348 and 6240 isn't 87 and their LCM isn't 24960. Someone notated this problem incorrectly.
87 is greater than the decimal number 13.688
Just multiply 87 by any integer! For example, the result of each of the following calculations will give you a multiple of 87: 87 x 0 87 x 1 87 x 2 87 x 3 87 x 4 87 x (-1) 87 x (-2) etc.
87 * 403 = 35,061
It is 91 times 87 = 7,917
It is: 87+316 = 403
The product is: 4350
The product is 28,188
7x87 is about 7x90, which equals 630
The best estimate is the true value.
25x80 < 28x87 < 30x90 --> 2000 < 28x87 < 2700?
87 x 64 = 5568
87 multiplied by 98 is 8,526.