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The Hindu/Arabic number system is the one which is used in most of the countries of the world. The numbers used are; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.

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Q: Hindu Arabic Numerals symbols
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What are the differences between roman numeric systems and Hindu Arabic systems?

Hindu Arabic Numerals use numbers but Roman numerals use symbols.

Information on Roman and Hindu - Arabic - numerals?

Basic symbols for Roman numerals I,X,l,D,M Roman numeral doesn't have 0 but hindu Arabic does

What is Hindu Arabic numerals of 74?

74 is the Hindu-Arabic representation of the number seventy-four. The term Hindu-Arabic defines the system, not the symbols; the symbols are independent of the system. The Hindu and Arabic nations have their own symbols, as do many other regions around the world. However, the Latin symbols are internationally recognised as the standard form of numeric notation, regardless of the system.

How do you write 39 in Hindu Arabic Numerals?

Hindu Arabic numerals are the ones we use. 39 is already in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

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The Roman numerals LXVII=67 in Hindu Arabic numerals.

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The Roman numerals of XX are the equivalent of 20 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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The Roman numerals of CCX are the equivalent of 210 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

What is DCCC in Hindu Arabic numerals?

The Roman numerals of DCCC are the equivalent of 800 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

How do you write 437 in Hindu Arabic numerals?

437 is already in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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The Roman numerals of XXVIII are the equivalent of 28 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

What is dcccxiii roman numerals in Hindu Arabic numerals?

dcccxiii in Roman numerals is equivalent to 813 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

How do you write 12629 in Hindu and Arabic numerals?

12629 is already expressed in Hindu-Arabic numerals