- The existence of 0.
- Greek number is all alphabets, while the Hindu Arabic number is based on 10 different symbols.
Both make use of a zero symbol but Mayan numbers have 20 as a base whereas Hindu-Arabic numbers have 10 as a base.
The Hindu/Arabic number system is the one which is used in most of the countries of the world. The numbers used are; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.
hindu-arabic to roman numerals 1. 2,550,222 2. 590 3. 799,785 4. 935 5. 448
Mayan numerals are written from top to bottom and not borizontal and the Arabic numerals dont use top to bottom
They are 2 different types of numbers, DAH!
Hindu Arabic is the number we use like 1,2,3,4........ Roman numbers are the numbers Romans were using like I,II,III,IV,V.........Improved Answer:The main difference between Hindu-Arabic numerals and Roman numerals is the absence of a nought figure in the Roman numeral system.
The difference between roman - numerals and hindu - arabic numerals is that the roman - numerals doesn't have zero 0
It is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.
Hindu-Arabic is our current number system while Babylonian numbers are an ancient number system which uses base 60 and uses only two symbols.
Because they are common to both the Hindu and Arabic language.
Hindu Arabic Numerals use numbers but Roman numerals use symbols.
Babylonian numerals have a base of 60 while the Hindu-Arabic numerals have a base of 10
Hindu Arabic numerals are very popular numerals. Every country use them they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...... and Roman numerals are other numerals they are not so common, They are I, V, X, M, D ......
There is a difference in the numeration system of Hindu Arabic compared to other societies numeration system. The Hindu Arabic system uses symbols to represent the numbers that are lower than ten, while other societies use numbers instead of symbols.
Hindu/Arabic numbers are the system of numbers which are used in most countries of the world. 192 is a Hindu/Arabic number.
Hindu Arabic....