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every odd no. has "1" in its last bit and every even no has "0" (in binary)


2=0010 ,3=0011

4=0100 ,5=0101....and so on

so just logically "AND" the no with "01H" using instruction [HAVING THAT NO. IN ACCUMULATOR (A)]


so if the no. is even =>

A=0 (and zero flag is set i.e. "1"

but if the no is odd then => A=1

means zero flag is reset i.e. "0"

so using instruction "JZ"

you can find if the no. if even or odd. :)

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Q: How To find a number is odd or even in 8085?
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Test the least significant bit of the number. If it is 1, the number must be odd. If it 0 it must be even. To achieve this, place the value in B then use the ANI instruction: ANI 01H Thus if B is 01H, B is odd, otherwise it is even. Works for both positive and negative integers.

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