Sum of odd + odd = even
Sum of odd + even = odd
Sum of even + even = even
The sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
The sum of three whole odd numbers will always be odd keeping in mind that zero is neither even nor odd and that 'null' is not a number.
Not quite.When two prime numbers of 3 and higher are added together, the result is always even, because all such prime numbers are odd numbers, and when two odd numbers are added together, the result is always an even number.However 2 is a prime number, and 2 is also an even number. Adding 2 (an even number) to a different prime number (an odd number) will always yield an odd number.Only if you don't include "2".
No never If you add an odd number to another odd number it will result in even number eg. 1+3=4, 7+9=16, 211+313=524 etc Even if you add even to even it results in even only eg. 2+2=4, 210+512=722 etc But if you add an Even no with an Odd number it will always result in an odd sum eg. 2+3=5, 313+512=825 etc.
Oh, what a happy little question! Let's take a look at those prime numbers. When we add them up, we find that their sum is actually even. Isn't that just a delightful surprise? Remember, in the world of numbers, there's always a little bit of magic waiting to be discovered.
Two odd numbers always sum to an even number. Always. Two even numbers always sum to an even number, and an odd number and an even number always sum to an odd number.
The sum of two odd numbers is always even.
Because the sum of two odd numbers is always even and the sum of that even number plus another odd number is always odd.
The sum of an odd number and an even number is an odd number.
No. No matter what you use, the sum of an odd number and an even number will always be odd.
No. The sum of 1 odd number and 1 even number must always be odd.
The result will always be an odd number.
The sum of an odd and even number is always odd because there's always one left over. Think of any odd number as being any even number plus one. If you add two even numbers, the answer is always even. If you add an even and an odd (plus one), the answer is always odd.
The sum of two odd primes is always an even answer or number.
When you add an odd number to an odd number, you get an even number. When you add an odd number to that even number, the sum is always odd. Don't believe it? Try a few examples yourself.
The sum of an odd and even number is always odd because there's always one left over. Think of any odd number as being any even number plus one. If you add two even numbers, the answer is always even. If you add an even and an odd (plus one), the answer is always odd.
The sum of an odd and even number is always odd because there's always one left over. Think of any odd number as being any even number plus one. If you add two even numbers, the answer is always even. If you add an even and an odd (plus one), the answer is always odd.