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a + b = a + (-b) where b is the additive inverse (opposite) of b.

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Q: How can any difference a-b be restated as an equivalent addition statementwhere a and b each represent any rational numbers?
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How can any difference a-b of two numbers be restricted as an equivalent addition statement?

a - b = a + (-b)

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a + (-b)

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a - b = c can be restated as a = b + c

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There is no difference between vector addition and algebraic addition. Algebraic Addition applies to vectors and scalars: [a ,A ] + [b, B] = [a+b, A + B]. Algebraic addition handles the scalars a and b the same as the Vectors A and B

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If sum is addition then what is subtraction?

It is the difference

Is sum part of addition or subtraction?

addition Sum is the result of an addition problem. Difference is the result of a subtraction problem.

Who represent NJ state?

Robert Menendez and Frank Lautenberg in the senate. In addition, a variety of congressmen represent parts of the state in the House.